Mort’s small traces
Mort Yao
It is still woefully incomplete, but it shouldn’t always be. I keep learning things.
“Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder ‘why, why, why?’
Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand.”
— Kurt Vonnegut
1 Mathematics
- Naive set theory
- Mathematical logic
- Linear algebra
- Matrix theory
- Abstract algebra
- Group theory
- Representation theory
- Category theory and homological algebra
- Topology and geometry
- General topology (point-set topology)
- Geometric topology
- Algebraic topology and geometry
- Differential topology and geometry
- Lie group
- Calculus
- Limit and continuity
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Series
- Special functions
- Vector calculus and tensor calculus
- Calculus of variations
- Analysis
- Measure theory
- Complex analysis
- Real analysis
- Functional analysis
- Harmonic analysis
- Differential equations and dynamical systems theory
- Ergodic theory
- Control theory
- Chaos and fractals
- Number theory
- Algebraic number theory
- Analytic number theory
- Combinatorics
- Arithmetic combinatorics
- Graph theory and knot theory
- Algebraic graph theory
2 Applied Mathematics
- Probability theory and statistics
- Stochastic process and martingale
- Advanced probability theory
- Information theory
- Coding theory
- Algorithmic information theory
- Quantum information theory
- Theory of Computation
- Formal languages and automata theory
- Computability theory
- Complexity theory
- Algorithms
- Data structures
- Sorting
- Searching
- Randomization
- Approximation
- Numerical analysis
- Computational number theory
- Computational geometry
- Computer graphics and visualization
- Cryptography
- Information-theoretic security
- Private-key cryptography
- Public-key cryptography
- Quantum cryptography
- Game theory and operations research
- Linear programming and mathematical optimization
- Evolutionary computation
- Algorithmic game theory
- Finance and financial markets
- Machine learning
- Neural networks and deep learning
- Computer vision and image processing
- Natural language processing
- Programming language theory
3 Physics and Life Sciences
- Statistical mechanics
- Classical mechanics, electromagnetism and field theory
- Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory
- Electronics and signal processing
- Formal verification and temporal logic
- Genetics, genomics and bioinformatics
- Structural biology (biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology)
- Computational systems biology
4 Software Technology
- Computer systems and architectures
- Operating systems
- Unix from user space
- System programming
- Linux kernel
- Internet protocol suite
- Socket programming
- Web and databases
- Relational database and normalization
- Knowledge representation and Semantic Web
- Programming paradigms
- Logic programming
- Functional programming
- Imperative programming
- Dataflow programming and concurrent programming
- Object-oriented programming
- Compilers
- Information security
- Proof-carrying code
- Cryptocurrencies and blockchains