Linux Tricks
Mort Yao(Note: This page contains tips and tricks which are specific to the Linux kernel or a certain Linux distribution. For cross-platform utilities that may run on Linux, e.g., GNU, see CLI tricks instead.)
1 Kernel
1.1 Useful information
Show the parameters passed to the kernel at the time it was started:
$ cat /proc/cmdline
Show the config options of the current running kernel:
$ cat /proc/config.gz | gunzip
$ zcat /proc/config.gz
2 Kernel modules
2.1 Disable the touchpad
seems to be the module designated for the touchpad on many laptops. If it annoys when typing, simply remove the module with:
# rmmod psmouse
To bring it back:
# modprobe psmouse
3 util-linux
3.1 Display system shutdown entries and run level changes
$ last -x | less
3.2 Show bad login attempts
# lastb | less
3.3 View kernel message buffer (and follow it)
In human-readable timestamp: (may be inaccurate!)
$ dmesg -Tw
3.4 Force releasing the swap space
Swapping generally downgrades the overall performance; it is sometimes good to manually release everything back into the RAM.
(Warning: To run this command safely, freely available RAM is assumed to be sufficient; otherwise, the system may kill some processes to make room.)
# swapoff -a && swapon -a
3.5 Synchronize hardware clock with an NTP server
# ntpd -qg
# hwclock --systohc
4 SysV init
4.1 Start a system service (e.g., httpd)
# /etc/rc.d/httpd start
# rc.d start httpd
5 systemd
5.1 Start a system service (e.g., httpd)
# systemctl start httpd
5.2 View systemd journal (reverse chronologically)
$ journalctl -r
5.3 View kernel message log from current boot (and follow it)
$ journalctl -kf
5.4 Write a simple service
Create a file foobar.service
Description=My dumb daemon
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "foo bar"
Copy the file to systemd’s designated place and enable the service:
# cp -v foobar.service /etc/systemd/system/
# systemctl enable foobar
6 Distro-specific
6.1 Arch Linux
Find out which package owns the program:
$ which cpp | pacman -Qo -
List all installed packages, in descending order of size:
$ expac -s -H M "%-30n %m" | sort -rhk 2