Formal Deductions
Mort YaoTo give a proof of the logical implication \(\Sigma \models \tau\):
- There is a finite set \(\Sigma_0 = \{\sigma_0, \dots, \sigma_n\} \subseteq \Sigma\) that logically implies \(\tau\). (guaranteed by the compactness theorem)
- \(\sigma_0 \to \cdots \to \sigma_n \to \tau\) can be generated from a finite number of steps in the enumeration of the validities (where each \(\sigma_i \in \Sigma\)). (guaranteed by the enumerability theorem)
A formal proof is also called a deduction. In our Hilbert-style deductive system, we choose:
- Logical axioms \(\Lambda\): an infinite set of formulas.
- Rule of inference: modus ponens \[\frac{\alpha, \alpha \to \beta}{\beta}\]
Thus, the theorems of a set \(\Gamma\) of formulas are the formulas obtainable from \(\Gamma \cup \Lambda\) by use of modus ponens a finite number of times.
Deduction. A deduction of \(\varphi\) from \(\Gamma\) is a finite sequence \(\langle \alpha_0, \dots, \alpha_n \rangle\) of formulas such that \(\alpha_n\) is \(\varphi\) and for each \(k \leq n\), either
- \(\alpha_k\) is in \(\Gamma \cup \Lambda\), or
- \(\alpha_k\) is obtained by modus ponens from two earlier formulas in the sequence; that is, for some \(i\) and \(j\) less than \(k\), \(\alpha_j\) is \(\alpha_j \to \alpha_k\).
We say that \(\varphi\) is deducible from \(\Gamma\), or that \(\varphi\) is a theorem of \(\Gamma\), written as \(\Gamma \vdash \varphi\).
For a set \(S\) of formulas, we say that it is closed under modus ponens iff whenever \(\alpha \in S\) and \((\alpha \to \beta) \in S\), then \(\beta \in S\).
Induction principle for deductions. Suppose that \(S\) is a set of wffs that includes \(\Gamma \cup \Lambda\) and is closed under modus ponens. Then \(S\) contains every theorem of \(\Gamma\).
Generalization. A wff \(\varphi\) is a generalization of \(\psi\) iff for some \(n \geq 0\) and some variables \(x_1, \dots, x_n\), \[\varphi = \forall x_1 \cdots \forall x_n \psi\] in the case that \(n = 0\), any wff is just a generalization of itself.
Logical axioms. The set \(\Lambda\) of logical axioms is generalizations of wffs of the following forms:
- Tautologies;
- (Substitution) \(\forall x \alpha \to \alpha^x_t\), where \(t\) is substitutable for \(x\) in \(\alpha\);
- \(\forall x (\alpha \to \beta) \to (\forall x \alpha \to \forall x \beta)\);
- \(\alpha \to \forall x \alpha\), where \(x\) does not occur free in \(\alpha\);
- \(x = x\);
- \(x = y \to (\alpha \to \alpha')\), where \(\alpha\) is atomic and \(\alpha'\) is obtained from \(\alpha\) by replacing \(x\) in zero or more (but not necessarily all) places by \(y\).
Substitution. Consider Axiom Group 2: \(\forall x \alpha \to \alpha^x_t\), where \(t\) is substitutable for \(x\) in \(\alpha\). \(\alpha^x_t\) is defined as
- For atomic \(\alpha\), \(\alpha^x_t\) is the expression obtained from \(\alpha\) by replacing the variable \(x\) by \(t\).
- \((\lnot \alpha)^x_t = (\alpha^x_t \to \beta^x_t)\).
- \((\alpha \to \beta)^x_t = (\alpha^x_t \to \beta^x_t)\).
- \((\forall y \alpha)^x_t = \begin{cases} \forall y \alpha & \quad \text{if } x = y\\ \forall y (\alpha^x_t) & \quad \text{if } x \neq y\\ \end{cases}\)
Let \(x\) be a variable, \(t\) be a term. We say that \(t\) is substitutable for \(x\) in \(\alpha\) iff:
- For atomic \(\alpha\), \(t\) is always substitutable for \(x\) in \(\alpha\).
- \(t\) is substitutable for \(x\) in \((\lnot \alpha)\) iff it is substitutable for \(x\) in \(\alpha\).
- \(t\) is substitutable for \(x\) in \((\alpha \to \beta)\) iff it is substitutable for \(x\) in both \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\).
- \(t\) is substitutable for \(x\) in \(\forall y \alpha\) iff either
- \(x\) does not occur free in \(\forall y \alpha\), or
- \(y\) does not occur in \(t\) and \(t\) is substitutable for \(x\) in \(\alpha\).
Tautologies. The prime formulas are the atomic formulas and those of the form \(\forall x \alpha\). Any formula is built up from prime formulas by the operations \(\mathcal{E}_\lnot\) and \(\mathcal{E}_\to\). Take the sentence symbols in sentential logic to be the prime formulas of our first-order language. Then any tautology of sentential logic is in Axiom Group 1.
Theorem 1. If \(\Gamma \models_t \varphi\), then \(\Gamma \models \varphi\). (NB. The converse does not hold.)
Theorem 2. \(\Gamma \vdash \varphi \iff \Gamma \cup \Lambda \models_t \varphi\).